Dr. Gerő Tamás

Dr. Gerő Tamás

Donec a bibendum sem. Mauris vitae libero arcu. Vestibulum consequat ipsum ut orci laoreet quis hendrerit diam cursus.

Thursday, 23 April 2015 00:00

tax law

I obtained a tax law certification at the University of ELTE in 2010.

I undertake representation in cases of wealth gain investigation to both individuals and small and medium size enterprises. During proceedings, it is possible to make a statement in written form that should  be handled with the assistance of a lawyer.

Tax system of Hungary - the types of taxes

Taxes are very changeable and impermanent due to their political- social background.

Main types of taxes :

  1. Central taxes ( the whole country)
    1) SZJA - personal income tax : 15% of the rateable value
    2) Corporate income tax : 9% of the rateable value
    3) Business taxes : KATA, KIVA , EVA
    4) Value-added tax (ÁFA) : 27% of ratable value
    5) Property-taxes
  2. Local Taxes

Seeing this as a system, there are taxes at central and local level. Central taxes are that don’t count to local taxes. Local taxes are set up by local government regulations and the central ones by bills/ statutes.

It would be interesting:

  1. Who have to pay taxes?
    - taxpayer is whom tax liability is set by statutes.
    - employers
    - liquidators
    - organizations
  2. 3 types of Hungarian tax authorities:
    - state tax authority ( in NAV)
    - customs (in NAV)
    - notary of local governments
  3. rights of taxpayer in Hungarian tax law:
    - right of access ( to the files)
    - right of self-checking (auto-detecting)
    - right to legal remedy
    - equality before the law
    - ban of double check
    - right to information(s)
    - ban of discrimination
    - fair treatment
    - chance of the facilitation payments
  4. Acquittance of private persons from paying tax:
    - if there is no taxable income
    - if there is just that type of income in case of there is no need to tax declaration
    - if the employer carries out the tax liability


Thursday, 23 April 2015 00:00

Employment law

I provide legal representation of labour and employment lawsuits to both the employee and the employer side. In case of termination of employment and other decisions adverse to your interests, you may file a lawsuit. You have a 30-day period in which you can file a lawsuit, to appeal.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:00

Real Estate Law

I can assist clients writing agreements for selling or purchasing real estate, mainly in cases involving internal territory.
When required I deal with bank transactions, real estate mediation and sale.
I render legal assistance and advice in real estate affairs. 

  Acquisition of real estate by foreigners

Government Decree No. 7/1996 (I.18.) on the Acquisition of Real Estate by Foreigners

On the basis of the authorization granted by Paragraph b) of Subsection (1) of Section 90 of Act LV of 1994 on Arable Land, as amended, (hereinafter referred to as "ALA"), the Government hereby issues the following Decree:

Section 1.

  • If no interests of the local government or other public interests are infringed upon, the director of the responsible public administration office of Budapest or the county (hereinafter referred to as "office director") may grant the license prescribed by Section 88 of ALA which is required for acquisition other than by way of inheritance by foreign legal or natural persons of proprietary rights in real estate which is not classified as arable land or protected natural area (hereinafter referred to as "real estate") [Subsection (4) of Section 88 of ALA].
  • The license shall be granted in the event that no local government or other public interests are infringed upon, and
  1. the foreign person has been granted an immigration permit, or
  2. the foreign person acquired the ownership right in the real estate on the basis of Law-Decree 24 of 1976 on Expropriation, as amended, or
  3. the foreigner is exchanging domestic real estate which he owns for other domestic real estate, or
  4. the goal of acquisition of ownership is to cease common ownership, or
  5. the foreigner is given domestic real estate as a gift pursuant to Subsection (7), or
  6. the foreigner has verifiably been residing and living in Hungary for a period of no less than five years for the purpose of employment.
  • In respect of the question as to whether the acquisition of the real estate infringes upon the interests of the local government, the office director shall request a statement by the mayor of the local government of the settlement (or of the district of Budapest) (hereinafter referred to as "mayor") with jurisdiction according to the location of the real estate, and may refuse the license after due consideration of such statement.
  • Issuance of the license may be refused if, the state of which the foreigner is a national does not, on the basis of international treaty or reciprocity, ensure that Hungarian citizens or Hungarian legal persons are treated equally as domestic persons. The statement of the Foreign Ministry shall be decisive in determining whether an international treaty or state of reciprocity exists.
  • In respect of proceedings for the acquisition of proprietary rights in real estate classified as a historic monument or monument-type object, in real estate of archeological and historical significance, and in buildings located in protected natural areas, the responsible authority shall participate as a specialized authority.
  • Residents, as per Paragraph a) of Point 1 of Section 3 of Act XCV of 1995 on Foreign Exchange, may only give proprietary rights in domestic real estate as a gift to foreigners who are their close relatives [Paragraph b), Section 685, Civil Code].

Section 1/A.

  • Contrary to the provisions of Subsections (1)-(4) of Section 1, the acquisition of real estate by a foreign natural person settling in Hungary as an independent entrepreneur must be authorized pursuant to a separate act, if such property is essential for pursing the business activities for which the foreign natural person settled.
  • No property intended to be acquired for the purpose of a real estate transaction (sale, exchange, lease) shall be construed as essential for business activities.
  • A foreign natural person who has settled in Hungary as an independent entrepreneur shall be obligated to alienate his real property or file a petition with the director of the office in order to retain ownership rights (in accordance with the conditions set forth in Section 1) within one year, if his business license or entrepreneurial credentials (regulated in other legal regulations) are revoked, if, in respect of private companies, the company is removed from the register of companies, or if his chamber of commerce membership is terminated.

Section 2.

  • Applications for the license shall be submitted to the office director with jurisdiction according to the location of the real estate.
  • The following shall be attached to the application:
  1. document(s) establishing the nationality of the foreigner;
  2. one copy of the contract on the acquisition of the real estate;
  3. one copy of the land register title, no more than 3 months old;
  4. tax and valuation assessment certificate, no more than 3 months old;
  5. in the event of a gift pursuant to Subsection (7) of Section 1, verification of the degree of relationship between the parties to the contract.
  • In the event of installment payments, or a contract of annuity or support, payment of the first installment or the first annuity payment due shall be verified. The office director may at any time call upon the foreigner to verify payment of his debts.
  • In the event that the foreigner commutatively alienates his domestic real estate, payment of such consideration may be effected in convertible foreign exchange or currency.

Section 3.

The regulations set forth in this Decree shall, with due consideration to the provisions of Subsection (3) of Section 88 of ALA, be applied to the acquisition of real estate by diplomatic and consular representations, as well as by international organizations.

Section 4.

  • This Decree shall enter into force on the 8th day following its promulgation; its provisions shall also be applied to licensing cases which are currently in progress.
  • For the purposes of this Decree, the provisions of Paragraphs c)-d) of Section 3 of ALA shall be authoritative in the determination of foreign natural and legal persons, whereby the payment regulations set forth in Section 45 of Act XCV of 1995 shall apply to Hungarian citizens classified as foreigners pursuant to the foreign exchange law.
  • Simultaneously upon this Decree entering into force Government Decree 171/1991 (XII. 27.) Korm. on the Acquisition of Real Estate by Foreigners shall be repealed.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:00

Criminal Law

Throughout my career I have represented clients in the following areas of Criminal Law:
  • economic criminal law
  • criminal acts related to the abuse of drugs 
  • traffic  violations
  • libel and slander
In the criminal procedure the underlying principle of the Constitution is the right to defense and the presumption of innocence. In the course of the defense concerning criminal affairs I also consider the above principle my "ars poetica".
In the criminal procedure I can represent either the accused or the victim, since legal assistance is obligatory in the supplementary private prosecution procedure. 
I perform the duties in the investigation and the judicial phase, and potentially in the review of judgment and reconsideration phases.
I represent clients not only in Budapest, but also in other Hungarian cities.

Arrested in Hungary - Extradition

Since Hungary is a member state of the European Union, EU law is authoritative here, too. There are strict rules in connection with European warrant of arrest. Arrested people in Hungary can only remain in detention for 72 hours, and they must be taken in front of the Metropolitan Court of Law (Fővárosi Törvényszék) within this time frame. Arrested people have the right for a defense lawyer. The Court holds a trial about the case (the warrant), where the attorney must be present with the arrested person, and a state prosecutor represents Hungary. The presence of an interpreter is necessary too; it is the right of the arrested person, and an obligation for the state of Hungary. The Court has to examine whether the conditions of the warrant’s execution are met, or is it legally possible to extradite the arrested person to his/her state of residence. If the conditions of extradition are met, the arrested people have the right to choose whether they approve of the extradition.

Friday, 19 September 2014 00:00

Öröklési jog

Hagyatéki eljárások során, hagyatéki perekben látok el képviseletet. Végrendeletek elkészítését vállalom. Rónai Egonnál, az ATV műsorában az örökbefogadás megváltozott szabályairól is beszélgettem az új Polgári Törvénykönyv hatályba lépése kapcsán.: https://youtu.be/ZG4f6g_5KFI,
Friday, 19 September 2014 00:00

Társasházi jog

Társasházak jogi képviseletét látom el, társasházi alapító okirat, szervezeti és működési szabályzat elkészítését vállalom. 

Földmérők, műszaki tervező mérnökök közreműködésével vállalom nemcsak lakóépület, hanem irodaház társasházzá alakítását is.

Az ATV Híradóban a lakásépítés, illetve az új építésű lakások kedvezményes ÁFA kulcsával kapcsolatban nyilatkoztam: https://youtu.be/mHyrqR1b_BI
Friday, 19 September 2014 00:00


Tekintettel arra, hogy újságíró diplomával is rendelkezem, különös figyelmet fordítok a szerzői jogi és médiaügyekre.

Szívesen ellátom televízió-, és rádió csatornák, vagy más média jogi képviseletét.


Friday, 19 September 2014 00:00

Orvosi jog

Orvosi műhibapereknél látok el képviseletet.

Magyarországon az orvosi jog folyamatosan fejlődő jogterület, a bírói gyakorlat a szerződésen kívüli kártérítésnek megfelelően szabályozza az ún. orvosi műhibapereket. Kivételt képezhet a magán-orvosi praxis, mely során a megbízási szerződésre vonatkozó jogot alkalmazza a bírói gyakorlat.

Orvosi jog területén belül nemcsak a betegek, hanem az egészségügyi intézmények képviseletét is vállalom.

A Tatabányai Törvényszék előtt orvos ügyfelemet képviseltem egy csalás miatt indult büntetőeljárásban: https://youtu.be/Df0WYTERNmM

Kegyelmet kapott orvos ügyfelem Sólyom László köztársasági elnöktől: https://youtu.be/a7EpiwfjGDA

Friday, 19 September 2014 00:00

Idegenrendészeti ügyek

Tartózkodási vízum-, Tartózkodási engedély-, Letelepedési engedély iránti kérelmek jogi képviseletét látom el.

A menekültekkel kapcsolatos megváltozott jogi szabályozást bíráltuk Kollégámmal az ATV műsorában: https://youtu.be/A5Gvv8DZudc
Friday, 19 September 2014 00:00


Munkaügyi perekben látok el képviseletet, mind a munkavállalói, mind a munkáltatói oldalon. A munkaviszony felmondása, illetve egyéb munkáltatói határozattal szemben lehetőség van jogorvoslattal élni. Fontos, hogy a közléstől számított 30 napos határidőn belül kell Bírósághoz fordulni. Az ATV műsorában a sztrájk megváltozott szabályairól nyilatkoztam: https://youtu.be/41EXOtK1iFc
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I've become a member of the presidency at the Budapest Bar Association, and a member of the Education and Accreditation Committee at the Hungarian Bar Association


I succesfully completed a certification of LLM in tax law


I was given the Hungarian Bar Association's Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year award


I succesfully completed a certification of LLM in sport law

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” - according to a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. As a member of the Budapest Bar Association, I maintain this website in accordance with the laws and internal regulations relating to attorneys. These, along with the reference of the Client’s rights, can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association.

Contact datas

dr. Tamás Gerő LL.M.

attorney, sports and tax lawyer

113. Szépvölgyi street, Budapest, Hungary, 1037

Phone/fax: +36-1-3882389

Mobile: +36 30 4156009

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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